Vivyrlin, you have been amazing and as others have said, leave behind big shoes to fill. It was great to meet you in person at Michigan Anni! Thank you!
I'm so sad to see this announcement. Thank you so much for your service and dedication to the site. I truly appreciate everything you have done over your term as Amyrlin
Thank you, Mother, for all you've done for the community. TarValon owes you a huge debt of gratitude for your unmatched dedication and hard work on its behalf. You'll certainly be missed as Amyrlin.
Viv, I hope whatever is pulling you away from the Stole is happy and good. Thanks for a job exceptionally done. I was not the only one who was afraid of what would happen when Eleyan stepped down, but you stepped into those enormous shoes and made them your own. I just hope the next stole bearer has that same ability.
Thanks so much for everything you have done in the past couple years. Sad to see you go. Best of luck to all those who apply- those are some big shoes to fill.
I'm at a loss for words. I'm so very grateful for the work you've done, and ver sad to see you retire. You were before and will always be my Vivvy Mommy
Viv you were just brilliant, and still are. It was a pleasure and I truly hope all is well. You did justice to the role, title, and position. Thank you for everything. Hopefully we will still get your company in random airports.
I loved meeting you at Anni, and I hope, as others have said, that whatever is pulling you away from Motherhood is a good thing. Your work is greatly appreciated; please continue to be awesome, and to poke your head in around here.
I'm so sorry to see you leave this capacity, but so honored to have been able to spend time with you during your service. Thank you for all you've done!
Good luck, applicants! Can't wait to see who our new Amyrlin will be.
Aww sad news, but i suppose nothing good can last for ever.. You have done a wonderful job and seem like a lovely person. Thank you Viv Sedai Mother type.