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Was driving through Mt. Pleasant, Iowa today and saw a sign that said Two Rivers. Got all excited, until I read the Bank & Trust underneath. 😆
Viriva al'Dere
Viriva al'Dere
haha!! Love it! Darn that you couldn't go to the real Two Rivers *cry*
"Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes. Including you." :D
Love this!
Jadak Al'Dargon
Jadak Al'Dargon
My dad who works in IT will always tell people that the first thing you should do when troubleshooting an issues is to check the connections. Guess that applies to humans too.
Congrats on being raised, my dear!
Ranyor Saana
Ranyor Saana
Thank you! I look forward to the next step in the Tower. I am in no rush specifically, but excited to see and do more!