Submit your designs to the TarValon.Net shop!

Oct 23, 2003
Portland, OR
Attention all site members, from Citizens to Senior Members: we want to see YOUR designs in the TarValon.Net shop! We want to offer a bigger selection of products with the images YOU want, created by you.

This is an open call for submissions of WoT- or TarValon.Net-related, fun/non-official artwork. Any member of any level is welcome to submit your images, but submissions must adhere to the guidelines below.

**Important: if you're going to submit artwork that relates to your membership group in some way, you must clear this artwork with your group/membership admin before submitting it. We will check in with membership admins to be sure this has happened! What's a membership group? These include: Citizens, Novices, Accepted, Recruits, Soldiers, each Ajah, and each Company.**

Image Requirements

Size: 300px by 300px or larger
Resolution: 150-300 DPI (200 recommended)
Color format: RGB (not CMYK)

Any art style welcome. Art style includes, but is not limited to: Photography, 2D and 3D Art, Digital or Traditional art.

Artwork MUST be appropriate per the guidelines of posting in our public forums -- no offensive language, sexual content, excessively violent or gruesome content. If you have questions, please email

Absolutely NO copyrighted or licensed images or phrases in any part of your design.
Note: we cannot offer unofficial merchandise that incorporates the copyrighted word, "Ajah." If you mention an ajah in your artwork, simply name it by color.

Other Important Info

Members may submit multiple entries!

You can see a selection of the products we are able to offer (t-shirts, mugs, etc.) by browsing our store.
If you have questions about product types, please email us using the addresses listed below. If you do not indicate which product types you want your graphic to appear on, the default product selection will be standard t-shirts.

How to Submit Entries

All graphics submissions should be sent to AND with the subject line "SHOP GRAPHICS SUBMISSION - Your Tower Name," a title and explanation of your submission, and any additional information such as requested product type.

To encourage timely submissions while we have a staff member (your lovely Project Manager, Hanajima Sedai) able to upload graphics in good time, please observe the deadline of SEPTEMBER 15, 2012. Any questions, in-progress critiques, or fresh-baked brownies may be sent to the email addresses listed above.
Oct 23, 2003
Portland, OR
Just a reminder that we're happy to have more of your designs in the TarValon.Net shop! You can submit graphics at any time; even after Sept. 15. Sometimes it just helps to have a deadline or a goal in mind... and as I said above, right now we have team members available to upload graphics quickly, so now's a good time to see a quick turnaround.