End of Year Tax Statements.

May 12, 2010
Our non-profit status is still pending. It is my understanding that as such, any donations made to us qualify as tax deductible, until such time as our status has been denied (unlikely). If you are a citizen of the United States, and would like a statement of your donations you may email shatayan@tarvalon.net and request one. Statements will be sent as .pdf files to whatever email address that is requested. If you are not a citizen of the United States, but would like one anyway for your own purposes, please feel free to make a request, also.

I will need the following information:

Real life name.
Tower name.
Mailing address.
Email address you would like the statement sent to, if it is not the one you are sending from.
Phone number (just in case).
A ball park of what donations you have made, and when they were made. (This just helps me locate the information more easily)

If you made an outright donation, of course it counts. If you have attended an event, the difference between the "ticket" price and the actual cost of the event is considered a donation. If you donated in memory of Padra Sedai this summer, it is considered a donation to the Tower, which we then, in turn, donated to the Susan G. Komen foundation. So it qualifies. Unfortunately, close records of donations made to fund drives at events are not kept, so we cannot provide you with that information.

Any questions, please feel free to email me, and I will answer them to the best of my ability.

Hugs and Kisses,
Uncle Riley

Kariada Kunai

Aes Sedai
Mar 16, 2003
I'd just like to add:

Donations at events are tracked as best we can, and we should have record of any significant donations. If you gave us $200 (or even $20) for a da'covale, that is tracked, and will appear on your statement. If you gave us $5 for raffle tickets, we might not have that on file.

In general, it is the smaller raffle ticket purchases ("I'll take $2 worth of raffle tickets, please") and random unsolicited donations ("Wench! Here's a $5 tip for being awesome!") that might not appear on your statement.
Apr 11, 2006
Alabama, USA
I would say generally that large contributions at events are done via a bank check. It should be easy enough to find the date and check number for Riley Gaiden.

EDIT: I mean for contributors to supply that information to him.
May 12, 2010
Our wonderfully organized and completely hawt babely Kariada Sedai is using her Super Spreadsheet Powers to more fully account for anything and everything for the next year. So next year we should be able to more easily create these statements. For this year, though... Not so much.

But she only uses her powers for good. Never for Ehvul.