Woot! That is amazing news!
I've had good luck with doing business cards and other cards on vistaprint - you can put any picture or text you want and they have a variety of sizes.
Delivery was today! Go check out Facebook or Instagram for the pics thanks to everyone who helped and I'll start gathering supplies for December in September
My sister is also doing a fundraiser through her Mary Kay thing for 10% of the proceeds going to funding a hot meal for the NICU staff, ~100 people in a Friday evening shift, and for every $100 spent she's donating a foot spa kit to the NICU nurses, so far we have 3 our of 100 earned you can find all that here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1759073557620100/?ref=share
So far the plan is:
50 gift bags for NICU families
Hot food for 100 people NICU staff
Spa kits for 100 people NICU staff
My sister is also donating scent free lotion samples from Mary Kay to the gift bags too which is awesome the wish list should be fully up to date showing what is needed, thank you for the ping
I need to check on that from the hospital receiving, last I heard in July they were not accepting handmade items their reason was covid then and I'm not sure if that is still their guideline but I still have hats that the church made and if the hospital doesn't accept them for the NICU I will find a way to still benefit people.
One of the things that I want to do also is have kits done up for people like me that don't get to take their baby home. This is going to be a bit sad and personal so I'll spoiler it:
When he died, I didn't have anything for him, he was premature so we didn't have time to have a baby shower. Ib suddenly had to think about a plot and a coffin and stuff like that instead of decorating his room. He didn't have any clothes or hats or blankets and to a mom that just feels wrong. If it weren't for a woman who knows the guys at the funeral home, we wouldn't have had anything, she made him a blanket and an outfit and a hat, and her husband made the casket. She even made a knit heart on his casket blanket and one for me to keep too. It doesn't matter if your child is alive or not, it hurts a mom when they have nothing.
So I would want to have kits of little outfits and hats and blankets for people that had to say goodbye like me, so that they have something for them, I am thinking to give them to different hospitals so they have them for people that need them, I'd like that no one ever would again but this world isn't that ideal. So if you are interested in doing that it would be awesome to have little things made. Especially tiny knitted or crochet stuffies because that was another thing we wanted him to have.
It would be good to do a normal sized one for the parent to keep and a matching tiny one for the baby to have, I will tell you there is a grief phenomenon that I had no idea would happen to me but it did, your arms will literally hurt like sciatica level pain for not having your baby. So if the parent can hold the normal sized one and know that their baby has a matching one that should help a lot. The only thing that made that physical pain go away was holding a weighted stuffed bear, and my sister had given me one that has his name and birthday on a shirt and that also has helped to have.
They make special onesies for NICU babies that have room for all the wires and tubes and stuff that I bought when my college roommate's daughter was in the NICU, so she went home with clothes her baby had worn.
Yeah in July I found a local small business run by a woman who's baby was also in that same NICU and she does prepackaged hot meals, I couldn't afford to do that in July though and Lok's work donated sandwiches for free so we went with that. But I'm hoping to bring everything on Christmas eve in the evening shift since anyone who works then usually gets shafted, and a hot meal in the winter would be really good