Welcome Delara Sedai of the Yellow Ajah! Long have we waited for you Sister.
This is what her fellow yellows had to say:
I am all for Raising her! She is very active and I half forgot she wasn't an Aes Sedai, so can we please???
From day 1, Delara has seemed like she belonged with us. She’s kind, caring, and knows how to dole out our specific Yellow Healing. I love her sense of humour! It feels like she’s always been a part of Yellow, and I’ll be so happy to finally call her Sister
It seems like Delara has been part of the Ajah forever, a bit like a piece of our yellow energy just materialized into another ajah member. And now it would be super weird not to have her in yellow. She belongs with us. I love Delara. Her sense of humour is amazing, and I love the little chats we do have now, especially as we're both night owls. She's definitely Yellow, and we need her home.
Delara is an anthropomorphic representation of many things, including but not limited to:
- Yellow
- the phrase "When you know, you know" (I can't recall the last time someone aspired with such speed and utter conviction)
- absolute hilarity (tears optional but preferable)
- wit
- and other multitudes
Delara has slipped seamlessly into our Yellow collective, she feels like a member of the family rather than a guest in our house. I can't wait to officially call her Sister!
I'd love to see Delara raised! She's very much a Yellow. So much so that I forgot she was an aspirant and not a sister yet.