Autism Acceptance Month.

Jan 3, 2024
  1. She - Her
Somehow along the way of good intentions, trying to create a societal box that fits everyone, something went a little wrong. Maybe we humans just couldn’t find a big enough box? Cause it seems we found a box that is so narrow that almost none of us can fit comfortably into it most days.
Some of us still manage to squeeze into it, but many of us just dangles of the walls trying to stuff a foot in. I hope you all will join in this month to make that box a little wider and easier for more people to get inside Comfortably.

Happy Autism Acceptance Month!


If you like your own awesome support bow and/or sig, made by the lovely @Nimeroni Quilana and @Leala ni al'Dareis t'al'Caleum , you can get them here:

Jan 3, 2024
  1. She - Her
“Autism is characterized by some degree of difficulty with social
interaction and communication. Other characteristics are atypical patterns of activities and behaviors, such as difficulty with transition from one activity to another, a focus on details and unusual reactions to sensations.” (WHO)

It’s important to understand that autism is not an illness. As such one can’t expect it to have a set number of “symptoms”, and that it will express itself in the same way or amount in all individuals. So when you’ve met one autistic person, you’ve met but one.

A lot of autistic people struggle with sensory issues. They can range from mild/easily adjusted to after some exposure, straight out panic attacks. Not everyone will have issues with the same though.
Where some struggle from light or sound sensitivity, others might struggle with cold and/or heat.
Difficulty with texture in clothing like seams or the little wash labels, can be so horrible it causes a breakdown. Texture in food can also be difficult, and may in worst case lead to deficiencies and other health issues.
While others again might struggle with being touched either too hard or too soft. Often being touched by strangers, can be very uncomfortable.

Transition from one activity to another can be extremely challenging for some. Hereunder also lies difficulty with sudden changes in a schedule without forewarning. The cue here is warning. Most autistic people will have a much easier time and accept changes fine, as long as they are well prepared in advance.

Self stimulatory behavior, also called stimming for short, is something everyone does to some degree, not only autistic people.
It is done for sensory stimulation, comfort, calming oneself down, boredom, a way to focus, or just because it’s a pleasing sensation.
It just might be done more frequently by autistic people and maybe look a little different than what a neurotypical person would.
Physical stimming, might be like tapping objects, leg bouncing, or hand flapping.
Aural stimming, where people make/cause/listen to certain noises because the sound is comforting.
Tactile stimming, where there is rubbing or tapping of fingers or chewing on objects.
Visual stimming are things like being fixated with the light reflecting off glitter, fidget spinners, oil timers, and moving sand art. Texture seeking, spinning/swinging, and probably many more.
Sometimes they can be controlled, and sometimes not, depending on the individual and how high masking they are at any moment.

Masking is the degree to which an autistic individual can “blend” into neurotypical society. Masking isn’t just about fitting in with everyone else, but about concealing the presence of autism in every way that is possible. Many people who mask report that they experience hyper-vigilance when they mask, as they are always on the look-out for shifts in what they think others might want or prefer from them. When people who have autism mask, they often express that they feel they are carefully controlling and adjusting how they interact with others to maintain their masking behaviors. Masking can look like: stopping yourself from stimming, practicing facial expressions in the mirror, mirroring others’ moods or affects, scripting (planning in advance what you’re going to say), and working on responding less viscerally to unpleasant sensory stimulation (forcing yourself not to wince when you brush the wrong texture in a fabric.)

People who are autistic mask for a variety of reasons, consciously and unconsciously, to avoid social rejection and meet social expectations. Masking is a very emotionally taxing and demanding task; people often have “meltdowns” or “shutdowns” after masking for extended periods of time, especially when they can leave stressful situations and arrive at safe ones. Masking contributes to mental and physical exhaustion, lower self-esteem, includes a higher vulnerability for being abused, and feeling isolated or disconnected from others.
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Jun 17, 2022
  1. She - Her
Looking forward to see the rest
Jan 3, 2024
  1. She - Her
Looking forward to see the rest
Sorry, it’s just.. perfectionist.. 👀 I feel I had so much trust bestowed in me, and I want it to be just so.. in the end one just has to jump in it, and let it go, right? 😅

Thank you ❤️ hope it looks right😊
Nice job, Aila. :hug
Right back at you! ❤️ I didn’t do this on my own by far. There’s amazing co writers, the SoA team, @Leala ni al'Dareis t'al'Caleum and @Nimeroni Quilana, my mentors, and not the least, all the amazing people I spoke with, that met me with positivity, trust and feedback.
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Jun 17, 2022
  1. She - Her
yey, and looks great, and I have not done all that much, but happy too have helped in whatever litle capasity I could, its a really important jobb you done.

btw needing too pass time, I taken the liberty too share a number of creator channels in the media chat as well for anyone interested in geting a first hand pov from autist creators, though since comorbidity with adhd is fairly big, then several of them will also have videos on that subject, or the crossline between the two, just as a heads up if you go into one and think its faultily linked cause the first video that come up is on adhd (just scroll down a bit and you are sure too find some on autism as a subject too).
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Seryse ni Cousland

Aes Sedai
Jan 18, 2014
Georgia, USA
  1. She - Her
Thank you, Alia! I really appreciate all your hard work and your eye-opening perspective on autism. I am undiagnosed (can't afford the medical care that it would take to get the diagnosis) but I believe that I am AuDHD rather than just ADHD. It means so much to see the community rally!

Ephrem Elpidius

Resident Citizen
Sep 22, 2013
Thank you, Alia! I really appreciate all your hard work and your eye-opening perspective on autism. I am undiagnosed (can't afford the medical care that it would take to get the diagnosis) but I believe that I am AuDHD rather than just ADHD. It means so much to see the community rally!

There is a YouTuber that I watch that has an autism official diagnosis and she goes over lots of stuff with people, I highly recommend you watch her, I think she would be of great help to you. I know she has been to me.


Jun 17, 2022
  1. She - Her
There is a YouTuber that I watch that has an autism official diagnosis and she goes over lots of stuff with people, I highly recommend you watch her, I think she would be of great help to you. I know she has been to me.


will check it out after chat today, dont recognise the picture so posible not one i come by before

Ephrem Elpidius

Resident Citizen
Sep 22, 2013
@Nimeroni Quilana I love the paint like texture on the signature for the autism banner. It looks so nice the more I look at it!
Jun 17, 2022
  1. She - Her

Leala ni al'Dareis t'al'Caleum

Anime Sensei
Aes Sedai
Nov 21, 2012
Lost in the zemai
  1. She - Her
Thank you for the compliment, @Ephrem Elpidius :hug I liked the texture for it too!
Jan 3, 2024
  1. She - Her
There is a YouTuber that I watch that has an autism official diagnosis and she goes over lots of stuff with people, I highly recommend you watch her, I think she would be of great help to you. I know she has been to me.


Thank you! Will definetly check it out!

Anyone have an opinion on autism simulators? What’s to like/not to like?
Jun 17, 2022
  1. She - Her
Here is one, need headphones for best understanding with effect meant with experiment


Ephrem Elpidius

Resident Citizen
Sep 22, 2013
Here is one, need headphones for best understanding with effect meant with experiment

this reminds me, someday I am going to buy some high end Bose or Sony ANC headphones and set the ANC to max :)

I am waiting for Sony to release their MX6 top tier ANC headphones though, cause if I am going to drop that kind of money I want the best... I keep putting it off, so we will see.
Jun 17, 2022
  1. She - Her
Oh another one, sort of that also makes a very good point of illustration of unrealistic unfair expectations
Jun 17, 2022
  1. She - Her
Very common based on newer research from what I seen there us high comorbidety between the two