Viriva al'Dere

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  • "Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes. Including you." :D
    Love this!
    Jadak Al'Dargon
    Jadak Al'Dargon
    My dad who works in IT will always tell people that the first thing you should do when troubleshooting an issues is to check the connections. Guess that applies to humans too.
    I've been busy building my first "real" website lol & then celebrating my (35th!) birthday (#gemini) so sorry I haven't been around enough! I'm sending you all LOVE and big HUGS!!!
    Accepted get to have a Ter’Angreal, right? 😍😆
    Viriva al'Dere
    Viriva al'Dere
    😅 No, no of course not @Cahalan Sothron … I just had to double check. And @Ephrem Elpidius … sure enter the Tower & let’s get together. I may like a dream Ter’Angreal, perhaps, what about you??
    Ephrem Elpidius
    Ephrem Elpidius
    @Viriva al'Dere a ter'angreal that will transport me anywhere. so it will have two pieces to it. I touch one piece, and I will be transported to the other piece. This way, I could fly to visit my friends far away, but when I get called in to work or want to visit home I could transport back to my bedroom, but I won't have to be in possession of the piece
    Ephrem Elpidius
    Ephrem Elpidius
    initially it would require me to fly I mean, but after that all I would have to do is activate the ter-angreal with my fingerprint or something. some ter-angreal don't require the One Power, then when I want to visit friends somewhere else, I would transport instantly, then fly the other piece elsewhere
    Guesting requests in!!!! ;) Thanks for y'alls patience while I figure out this Accepted thing. *Accepted, whoo hoo!!!*
    What's your Halloween Costume? This year, I'm a fertility Goddess (Currently 34 weeks pregnant ;)). It'll be beautifullll.
    Faelyn al’Moor
    Faelyn al’Moor
    I love that idea! I don’t have an official costume this year, I’ve been different things to a couple different events, but I am going as Marry Poppins to a party this weekend.
    Alexr al'Petros
    Alexr al'Petros
    Both of these ideas are fantastic!! I'll just be a grumpy old grandpa.
    Ananke Ruadh
    I'm sure you'll be absolutely stunning!
    Accepted Application Form is officially filled out!!! Burn me, Rand, I'm excited :D :D
    Jocasta Braithe
    Jocasta Braithe
    I felt AMAZING that day! Congratulations!
    Alexr al'Petros
    Alexr al'Petros
    You are LOCO!! Welcome to the LOCO Club!!

    Taylor Swift GIF
    Hey friends! I have been so under the weather since our Disney trip, so I'm behind, but slowly feeling better, yay! So I'll be popping in & responding to y'all when I can :) Sending you love & light.
    Invoking balance and calm throughout the holidays (doing my best to, whew it's a lot of work)
    Viriva al'Dere
    Viriva al'Dere
    Ohhh thanks Narysse!! I love doing meditations when I can, so I'll have to look up that one. So cool! The Flame and Void really works <3 Hugs!!!

    And Polegnyn, for sure Meditation, Yoga, and Mindfulness. That's basically it. It's just a damn PRACTICE not a perfection, but got to do my best. Why do i always feel so busy?
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