Recent content by Trond Maslin

  1. Trond Maslin


    Ha ha! I didn't know it was a real name, though its interesting to hear its origins. Maybe I was subconsciously influenced by having read Kristin Lavransdatter (which I loved) around the time I began playing D&D; I think a lot of the second book took place in the region of Troendelag. I...
  2. Trond Maslin


    I hated Dune when I read it as a child; it wasn't until I revisited it in high school that I enjoyed it. I felt the same way about The Eye of the World at first: it took me a few tries to push through the prologue and first chapter, and it wasn't until I re-read that section years later that I...
  3. Trond Maslin


    No, though all this talk of pre-Columbian civilizations is making me think a trip to the library to rectify my ignorance is necessary... Sadly, I have never been to Rome, though I would love to see all the ruins (not to mention all the Renaissance art!). Have you? I have seen Roman ruins in...
  4. Trond Maslin

    The Forsaken

    Whoa. If those killed with balefire still have souls, does that mean that balefire doesn't completely eradicate someone from the pattern? Would those killed with balefire eventually be reborn in a later age? I always assumed it completely annihilated one from subsequent turnings of the...
  5. Trond Maslin


    Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! I would have to say Ancient Rome, partly for all their great feats, but mostly because I just love their language and literature. As fascinating as Near Eastern civilizations can be (I remember being obsessed with pyramids and mummies when I was a boy)...
  6. Trond Maslin


    Hello! After reading the Wheel of Time series fitfully over the better part of the last decade, I have finally finished the last book and... Wow! Robert Jordan was visionary. Such a detailed world, such well-developed characters. I'm glad I strayed from my typical diet of science fiction to...