Hilwa Katir
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  • I’m back ! Everything looks so different!
    Ephrem Elpidius
    Ephrem Elpidius
    I have only been to Florida once, my buddy took me on a kayak to see some alligators, they were basically eye level almost... I was terrified beyond my wits end. lol
    I was just thinking about you and missing you, and remembering our Anni adventures. I also wanted to say that I still miss the Innkeepers Guild, do you? Love you bunches!!!
    Becky/Monari ;b
    I got your message!!!
    I've been offline..and the power outage this week with no school for George hasn't helped!

    Hope you are doing well!!

    am still trying to get use to the new system here. I've sent you two messages, but I don't think I've really sent them. Hopefully this one is going through. Hope things are well for you. You look great on John's facebook thing I saw. Love you, Becky/Monari
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