What the wheel means to me

Feb 18, 2013
I've been reading WoT for sometime now and I'm working my way through the last book. My wife, radiant soul that she is, suggested as I love this series so much that I ought reach out to a community online and tell what the series means to me.

I was wounded in the first excursion into Iraq, badly. The doctors prescribed a good healthy regiment of pain killers. By 1999, I was well hooked on opiates. In that same year, damn near strapped to a bed in a room in my parents home, I kicked heroin for the last time. As I was beginning, a friend asked me, is there anything you need. I told him to get me something to read. He gave his soft cover worn out copy of Eye of the World. I still have it. By the time Rand and Mat were having their walk to Caemlyn the hallucinations, sweats and creeps were kicking in, in full swing. I do not remember whether it was day or night, but I do remember at that time, and I would swear this until this day, that there were trollocs and myrdyall on the walls, ceiling and my own skin in that room.

I have been following the series since then. And truly, as hard as any day has been since then, they are all filled with light. I get the war between light and shadow. I understand the madness of the men who channel. I put the book down once I got to the part where an army of myrdyall were coming into the valley in Thakandar. The imagery was too much. But I look forward to reading until the end. I hope beyond hope that Rand survives and that he will enjoy the light that I have seen after my own battle with the dark one, those years ago.

Taishar Manetheran!


Morrighan Daghdera

Company Commander of Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
Feb 17, 2010
  1. She - Her
Thank you for sharing your experience & thank your wife for her suggestion that you reach out to an online community. I hope that you continue reading and enjoy the ending to the series that brought all of us together. :)