[Open] Hiring: Reports Manager

Erin al'Denael

Keeper of the Chronicles
Aes Sedai
Keeper of the Chronicles
Oct 1, 2002
  1. She - Her
Many thanks to @Seryse ni Cousland for her work in this role. She has decided to step down. Seryse, you will be missed! :hug

The Reports Manager position is a merger of the Annual Reports Project Manager (previously in the now defunct Department of Administration) and Survey Project Manager (which transitioned from DoAdmin to Research and Records). Both positions have been unused for some time due to changes in site leadership over the years. With a backlog on both fronts regarding Annual Reports and the Membership Survey, I am merging both of these roles into one in a new administrator role that will report directly to the Keeper and assist with data and documentation throughout the process of creating reports -- both annual and survey -- for our community. I need the help!

Position Level: Administrator
Department: No Department
Rotation: Non-Rotating Position
Merit Eligibility: Administrator Merit
Chain of Command: The Reports Manager reports directly to the Keeper.

Duties and Responsibilities:

The primary responsibilities for this position are to analyze data and to compile it into easily accessible documents for the TarValon.Net community. Here is a tentative list of responsibilities broken down by project for whomever accepts this role.

Annual Report:
  • Assist with organizing and disseminating information into Annual Reports for 2022 using the existing structure
  • Modify and/or revise the Annual Report format and contents to be in line with current IRS and/or 501(c)7 requirements, reducing redundancy and possibly incorporating new data to provide a better snapshot of TarValon.Net
  • Assist with organizing and disseminating information into future Annual Reports from 2022 onward
Membership Survey:
  • Modify and/or revise our existing Membership Survey, or develop something entirely new, for release in 2023
  • Analyze the survey data and pull data to present to the Executive Team, Departments, and the community as a whole
  • Modify and/or revise the survey after completion to account for feedback on effectiveness
  • The cycle continues!
  • Coordinate activities with the Keeper
  • Respond to emails or other role-related communications within 3 days outside of leaves of absence
  • Confidentiality is a must in regard to all data
  • Meet negotiated deadlines, and communicate any difficulties or problems in a timely manner
Time Commitment: This will vary depending upon the project, but hours are in alignment with Administrator-level positions. Time needed will increase leading up to and after the release of documents to the community. Additional time will be needed to analyze, disseminate, and pull data to be shared from the Membership Survey as well (10+ hours).

  • Proficiency with and have access to the Google Suite of products, and/or Microsoft Office
  • Experience making infographics would be cool, but is not required
  • Be a community member in good standing of at least 6 months
If you are interested in applying for this position, please email keeper@tarvalon.net and amyrlin@tarvalon.net with your application no later than February 15, 2023. Please put APPLICATION - REPORTS MANAGER - YOUR NAME as your subject line. Please indicate how you meet the requirements above, why you are interested in the position, any ideas you have for the role.