Admin Meeting Agenda Fall 2012

Vivianna L'antreau

The Vivrylin
Aes Sedai
Nov 1, 2002
As all of you may recall, at the Admin meeting back in April we decided to start having admin meetings twice per year. The second of these for 2012 is coming up next month and just as for the one 6 months ago we're looking for your feedback and input. I encourage everyone who has any opinions on the topics listed below to send in their thoughts to the email listed at the top of each section - we want to know what you think and want you to each be represented at the meeting.

The meeting will be held on September 16 at 1pm MST, so I ask that your emails be in no later than the Friday before that (September 14) so that each director has time to compile their notes before the meeting.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Final Agenda - Administrative Meeting Fall 2012

Please email comments or suggestions on this portion of the agenda to and

- Old Business
---Town Hall Meeting
------Review and recap
------Decide if another Town Hall Meeting will be held after this Administrative meeting.
---PSA/History Lesson Project
------Status, review initial posts
------Future Topics (suggestions welcome)

- Transparency
Transparency continues to be an issue brought forward by some members of the community. While we have attempted to improve in this area, we recognize the need for continued evaluation of our efforts. To that end, any and all suggestions for how to improve transparency are welcome. Specific ideas already mentioned that will be discussed are:
---The creation of a discussion forum for administrative decisions and policies (is there a need? who would moderate? open all year or at specified times?)
---It has been suggested that some people are concerned about coming forward with problems if they cannot be anonymous. Should we allow anonymous feedback, criticism and/or suggestions on the Administrative Meeting Agenda?

- Bullying
For this section specifically, if you want to give anonymous feedback that can be done through the survey posted by the Director of Administration, Ubahsur Sedai.
---Receive report from Director of Administration on results of the anonymous Bullying Survey
---Open-ended discussion regarding members' feedback, concerns and proposed solutions

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- Old Business
---Keeper's Awards
---Operations Manual Project

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Old Business
---Archiving Old Forums
------Status / Timeline
---Brainstorming new merits and additional perks for merits

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- Old Business
---PSA Regarding Financial Information

- Update on current financial status of the Tower

Department of Administration
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- Old Business
---Creation of Exit Interviews
--- Annual Reviews for Officers and Executives

Department of Community Outreach
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- Old Business
---Launch Servants of All System
------Timeline for launch
---Selection of Official Charity for Anniversary Parties
---Create timeline for selection of local charities to support at other events
---Begin smaller "pop up" fundraisers throughout the year

- Selection of Charity for 2012 Feast of Lights
---Review what made past Feast of Lights successful; consider who we will raise funds for this year. Suggestions include revisiting a past successful candidate (such as Doctors Without Borders, Heifer International, etc) and last year's close runner-up in the member poll, Operation Smile. Other suggestions welcome.

- Revamp of Department Structure
---Proposed format will include creation of a new administrator level position to run the Servant of All program; look at whether to keep the Fundraising Coordinator position separate from the Philanthropy Activities Coordinator (PAC); possible elevation of PAC to admin level position with focus on pop-up and large-scale charitable fundraisers.

- Outreach Activities Team
---We have received feedback in both formal and informal channels that many members would like to see the number of official festivals that happen each year cut back.
------How many festivals should there be and when?
------If we cut back, which festivals should we keep? If Shaoman is kept, how will that interact with our new timeline for our annual Feast of Lights?
------Should we allow full avatar changes for all official festivals?
---Structural changes
------To better reflect the move towards focusing on our charitable activities, what, if any, structural changes are needed in the team?

Department of Events & Conferences
Please email comments or suggestions on this portion of the agenda to and

- South Pacific Events
---Proposal: Move towards new format for soliciting bids for SP events. It was brought to our attention during the discussion of the notes from the last Admin Meeting (Spring 2012) that there had been a miscommunication regarding SP events. We were waiting for someone to email us and indicate they wanted to host; members were waiting for us to seek bids. Recognizing that we need the support of an active local liaison to make an event in this area work, the proposal is to move to the current bid system we are using for our European and Britain & Ireland events. That is, the Director of Events & Conferences would solicit bids for the annual event. For us to hold an annual event, we would need a viable bid that met our criteria as outlined in the bid solicitation posted by the Director. If a viable bid was received and selected as the location for the event, the local liaison would act as the Master/Mistress of Revels for the Event: holding primary responsibility for the event, working closely with the Director, and receiving credit as an administrator for their work. If no viable bids are received, no official event will be held.

- Review status of staff position(s) in the Department in light of Department needs

Department of Marketing
Please email comments or suggestions on this portion of the agenda to and

- Old Business
---Avendesora Tree
---Ajah/Company Logos
---Merit Badges
---Making the TVT Forum Public
------Review change
---Creation of a system for distribution of promotional media to members

- Updating our site copyright/intellectual property policies

Department of Membership
Please email comments or suggestions on this portion of the agenda to and

- Old Business
---Create and implement new mentor system for male half of site
---Create a list of SMs who want to be available to help out new citizens for posting in City Hall or Introductions
---Create an "Introduce Yourself" list of questions that we suggest new people answer in their Introduction threads to help us get to know them
---Groups allowed to "opt in" to Invited Guests program
------Status, review decision

- Do there need to be additional consequences for repeated "bad behavior" and/or trolling in the forums?
---Currently, if someone breaks our code of conduct in any forum (other than Current Events) we have no official system in place to provide consequences for that conduct other than a full ban from the site. Recognizing that a ban is an extreme measure not suitable for all conduct, is there a need to create some type of system for intermediate sanctions, possibly including public warnings and/or loss of forum access, for repeat offenders?

Department of Moderators
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- Old Business
---Creation of a Chat Op Training Manual & Guide
---Splitting Creative Endeavors into two forms: Hand Crafts, Fine Arts & Literary Pursuits
------Review decision

- Current Event Moderator Rotation
---Review current timetable and discuss ways to encourage more people to apply to mod CE; we routinely do not receive enough applications to fill all positions.

Department of Research & Records
Please email comments or suggestions on this portion of the agenda to and

- Old Business
---Classroom opened to Citizens, "real life topics" now allowed, and quarter system implemented
------Review decision(s) and current status

- Update on status of the Library

Department of Technology
Please email comments or suggestions on this portion of the agenda to and

- Old Business
---Transition to vBulletin
------Status of transition
------Things that still need to be done
---Creation of a Membership Tracking System

- Server Space
---Our current backup of the site is being housed on personal server space of Defen. The Director of Technology recommends that we purchase backup server space so we are not relying on a members personal resource if financially able to do so. Approximate cost of $150/year.

Set dates for following
- Admin Meeting Discussion Forum opening and closing
- Town Hall
- Spring 2013 Admin Meeting
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