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  1. Venric Methalion

    Who is the Greatest *Great Captain*?

    For some reason I thought it rotated through the commanders, but I don't honestly remember.
  2. Venric Methalion

    Who is the Greatest *Great Captain*?

    I think for the purposes of this thread, it's more a question of who is the greatest of the formally recognized Great Captains in Randland. Mat's military prowess is undoubtedly strong, but he's also spent much of the series with little interest in trying to become a great commander. It's a...
  3. Venric Methalion

    Who is the Greatest *Great Captain*?

    Hopefully in the last book we'll get to see all of the Captains in action. The scene at Maradon was ridiculously epic, so I'd like to see the others show why they hold their titles, and I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities.
  4. Venric Methalion

    Who is the Greatest *Great Captain*?

    Going with Bryne. Aside from just being a great character in the books, he's cool enough for an artist to base his likeness on Sean Connery. [spoiler:2s3zrtld][/spoiler:2s3zrtld] How did Doctah Jones Sr. really take down that Nazi plane? He threw birds at it with the One Power.