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  1. The Gambler Matrim

    What world to the Aelfinn and The Eelfinn reside in?

    Yes, I know how it was created but what became of it post Last Battle?
  2. The Gambler Matrim

    What world to the Aelfinn and The Eelfinn reside in?

    I wish we would of gotten some kind of conclusion on the Black Wind.
  3. The Gambler Matrim

    What world to the Aelfinn and The Eelfinn reside in?

    Very possible. We know through Mat's memories many "legendary" folks traveled into their world. Therefore it was somewhere that was known in the AoL and even past that.
  4. The Gambler Matrim

    What world to the Aelfinn and The Eelfinn reside in?

    Definitely something to speculate. They are obviously somewhere "outside" of Randland.
  5. The Gambler Matrim

    What world to the Aelfinn and The Eelfinn reside in?

    I always believed their world is a portal stone world?