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  1. Tethys al'Lune


    I'm always sorted either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. Pretty evenly split, too. I JUST WANT A HOUSE
  2. Tethys al'Lune


    I was also right on the cusp, but I fell into Aries territory. :fistbump
  3. Tethys al'Lune


    Woah ~~ I'm 22 next month too
  4. Tethys al'Lune


    It's great to meet you Della! I'm also pretty new to Tar Valon, and wasn't sure that I wanted to stay at first. I'm not even really sure what changed for me, but I feel myself becoming more and more addicted every day. Please stick around to join the tower!! We can be novices together ^^