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  1. Syera Faelron

    Announcing Euro Party 2020 location.

    Dam you all, this sounds so cool. After visiting Norway a good few times. Gig to Sweden properly would be good. Well going on a ship crossing from Norway to Sweden and a big sweet ship near the borderbbetween Norway and Sweden doesn't count.
  2. Syera Faelron

    Announcing Euro Party 2020 location.

    He seems on the ball, I've taken Oliver to ask but one event. He sits there, plays on his ipad etc, involves himself with the events etc.
  3. Syera Faelron

    Announcing Euro Party 2020 location.

    Jealous, Sweden is great.
  4. Syera Faelron

    Announcing Euro Party 2020 location.

    Dates are not great, going to Jamaica on the 27th. Can't afford a weekend in Sweden sadly.
  5. Syera Faelron

    Announcing Euro Party 2020 location.

    I need to pay!!