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  1. Sorcha Al'Verdan

    Things you liked, or didn't [WHOLE BOOK SPOILERS]

    Ooh, now I'm all angry and punchy. If only the internet was the real world :P
  2. Sorcha Al'Verdan

    Things you liked, or didn't [WHOLE BOOK SPOILERS]

    Many things were started at the end of the book (the Wheel keeps turning, after all). Here are my hopes for after the book ended. I hope that Hawkwing sets the Seanchan straight like Mat told him to. I would hate to see them take over the world the way they are, but after they get over the...
  3. Sorcha Al'Verdan

    Things you liked, or didn't [WHOLE BOOK SPOILERS]

    Not reading any of this thread, just wanted to come in and vent. OMFG how many people does it take to kill a GD forsaken FFS!