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  1. Sofia K'omorebi

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    I went to Disney Land Tokyo for the first time this past Mars, it was amazing! The parade was just stunning. Also, chocolate... Milk is usually my favourite, and there's this one kind with creme brulee inside, and it's undescribably good.
  2. Sofia K'omorebi

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    That's so great! I always thought mathematics are amazing, but I don't have the patience for it... I did my Bachelor's last term (Japanese), so I went on vacation pretty early - June 2:nd I think. I'm going to start studying Social Anthropology this semester! I'm really exited, but it's been a...
  3. Sofia K'omorebi

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    Wow, the end of September! That's pretty late! My classes start in a little less than two weeks. What are you going to be studying? I couldn't wait either, I've gotten through two books so far, going to start the third today. Summer vacation feels so long!
  4. Sofia K'omorebi

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    Oh, that's great! Japanese is a lot of fun :D Are you registred at Lang8? You can get feedback from native speakers, I found it really useful for practicing my Japanese. I prefer classroom learning too, though. Unfortunately I won't have any Japanese classes this year, so I'll have to study by...
  5. Sofia K'omorebi

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    What language do you want to learn? :)
  6. Sofia K'omorebi

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    I am! Or, I graduated this spring, but I'm starting a new undergraduate program in social anthropology! I'm really really looking forward to going back to uni, and especially to meeting my new classmates! I've spent the last few weeks reading the textbooks in preparation :D
  7. Sofia K'omorebi

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    It could be about cholestorol (sp?) as well I guess, as plant based foods don't contain any.
  8. Sofia K'omorebi

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    It's made of soybeans! And is delicious!
  9. Sofia K'omorebi

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    I've had vegetarian bacon now! It was delicious! Not quite as crispy, but the flavour was great!
  10. Sofia K'omorebi

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    I'll let you know as soon as I try it! That's great! Some people seem to think you have to eat ONLY vegetarian food or ONLY meat dishes, but I think being a flexitarian (eating both) is really great :)
  11. Sofia K'omorebi

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    Oh yeah, that's definitely the worst part. When I was abroad there were hardly ANY even vegeterian dishes at restaurants, so I usually had to eat before or after, sometimes I couldn't even go. It wasn't very fun. It's super easy to be vegetarian/vegan in Sweden though! About one in seven swedes...
  12. Sofia K'omorebi

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    All this talk of bacon has made me realise I really need to try vegetarian bacon!! There's no reason I should miss out just because I've gone vegetarian!