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  1. Rollyn Montagorae

    S1E7 “The Dark Along the Ways” —w/Book Spoilers

    Something else I kept meaning to brag on about this episode is how well-written Egwene's speech was to the EF5 in their rooms (before the love triangle reared its head). Listening to it I began to realize how well she was organizing her thoughts and persuading the others and I was like, "Wow...
  2. Rollyn Montagorae

    S1E7 “The Dark Along the Ways” —w/Book Spoilers

    The Aiel were never my number one thing I loved about WoT, but that cold open was the most amazing choreographed fighting I've seen on screen in a very long time. It sold the Aiel as incredible warriors without ever speaking a word. I can't wait to see how they portray the extended culture in...