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  1. Rhandhal al'Deez

    Least favourite/most disliked WoT character?

    From a plot perspective, Elaida was fine, showing just how much of the Tower's incompetence was theirs alone, and couldn't (all) be laid at the feet of the BA.
  2. Rhandhal al'Deez

    Least favourite/most disliked WoT character?

    It's always a good reason!
  3. Rhandhal al'Deez

    Least favourite/most disliked WoT character?

    :o I has more free time now.
  4. Rhandhal al'Deez

    Least favourite/most disliked WoT character?

    I like some of the bad ones. :| Ishamael is tragic, in his own way.
  5. Rhandhal al'Deez

    Least favourite/most disliked WoT character?

    And everything came so easy to her; most of what she did she didn't earn. I wish we hadn't seen her again after she was collared in the second book.
  6. Rhandhal al'Deez

    Least favourite/most disliked WoT character?

    She's a professional protege, she lies constantly, she never earned anything she got, and she's annoying as hell. As for the idiot hat, I meant her constant bitching about Rand. She knows for a fact he's the Dragon Reborn, yet all she does is bitch about him.
  7. Rhandhal al'Deez

    Least favourite/most disliked WoT character?

    It's the fact she never has to work for anything, she lies constantly, and she wears the idiot hat a lot
  8. Rhandhal al'Deez

    Least favourite/most disliked WoT character?

    Egwene, by a mile. Hate her with the burning hatred of a thousands suns! :| Bela, as well. Stupid immortal horse.