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  1. Nymeria Donnachaidh

    Introducing... TarValon.Net 2.0!

    Thank God!! erh... you do realize I was kidding about the babies thing right :look Not that I was lying... cause you know Aes Sedai don't do that.... :look And I'm not saying that I wouldn't want to have babies with you :look ... not that I'm saying I would, but... I mean I'm sure you're nice...
  2. Nymeria Donnachaidh

    Introducing... TarValon.Net 2.0!

    April fools is over now. I'll give you money!! I'll have your babies!!! Just please make it stop :x :cry
  3. Nymeria Donnachaidh

    Introducing... TarValon.Net 2.0!

    Please make the font stop screaming!!! :x
  4. Nymeria Donnachaidh

    Introducing... TarValon.Net 2.0!

    It's hurting me! Please make it stop :( :cry