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  1. M

    What if it's Mierin?

    This is a podcast where bunch of geeks interview Maria Simons and Alan Romanczuk. ... ge-079.mp3 The whole interview was done prior to ToM. And the whole interview is a bit crappy. A lot of non sense, a little juice. But In this...
  2. M

    What if it's Mierin?

    I wonder if anyone gave it a thought as to why Cyndane has a coursouvra. We know Mogy FAILED. She was captured and taught so called new aes sedai old weaves. Mogy's actions may be called as traitor like. That's why her punishment - being mindtrapped through coursouvra. However, Lanfear herself...
  3. M

    What if it's Mierin?

    It was Anath who sent shadow spawn to Tear to help Rand by the orders of Dark one not Lanfear.
  4. M

    What if it's Mierin?

    Even swearing to the shadow forcefully wouldn't change Lanfear's power hungriness. As she was saying to Rand that they may challenge the dark one himself with access keys. So it seems to me, a creature like Lanfear wouldn't have in her any bit of Goodness. :)
  5. M

    What if it's Mierin?

    In the epilogue of ToM, we learn that Graendal's opportunity to hurt Rand has been given to another. This proves that this opportunity was given to Mierin. P.S. Mierin herself was among the group who drilled the whole into the dark one's prison! (from TSR: Chapter 26)