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  1. Miridyth Al'Landerin

    thanks for letting me back on.

    *hugs to all!* You bet Liam and right back at you! Katina!! It is nice to see you back also. Lots of people back. Another thing I found, while going through boxes, were pictures of the first Anni I attended in Estes Park! Darim, Magz, Li and Jim (before they were married), Joe, so many...
  2. Miridyth Al'Landerin

    thanks for letting me back on.

    Oh hey there! Thank you and please do help yourself :)
  3. Miridyth Al'Landerin

    thanks for letting me back on.

    Hugs to the Lillian! No worries! Thank you Yenie and yes, let's focus on the good and pray that all will be well! I am hoping for a new start and getting to know new people and renew old friendships. I have missed you all! Balloons for the win!!
  4. Miridyth Al'Landerin

    thanks for letting me back on.

    No! Do not diss the Yenie! Love her! I am just so glad to be back, for the love of good friends who asked me to be back and gave me support. I gave up my shawl and then tried to come back, but I was going through so much and not at all a good compliment to this site. I take ownership of all...
  5. Miridyth Al'Landerin

    thanks for letting me back on.

    Thank you Yenie and that means a lot to me. Definitely could use three wishes. I wish that I had not had a melt down and left. I wish that I could go back to when I was truly active and a positive part of the site....oh and could I get a million dollars?
  6. Miridyth Al'Landerin

    thanks for letting me back on.

    Thank you to those who gave me a welcome and I understand those who were a bit leery. I just ask that you give me time. Thanks.
  7. Miridyth Al'Landerin

    thanks for letting me back on.

    Hello and thanks.