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  1. Midian Venamar

    Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, I can understand the confusion with the fight scenes. It seems Brandon made a specific point to describe the rules of Allomancy without initially explaining them. Wait until you get to Vin's story ... then all the allomancy stuff should make a lot more sense. Side note: Kelsier, and...
  2. Midian Venamar

    Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

    Finally finished the Mistborn trilogy last week. It was worth the read, but it wasn't fantastic. It might've just been me, but I could see absolutely every reveal happening anywhere from a book to two books ahead ... or when he threw in a little obvious nugget of info that wasn't divulged...
  3. Midian Venamar

    Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

    Oh yeah :P Sorry about that, my bad.
  4. Midian Venamar

    Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

    Sandriel, I'd stick with it. I'm just about done with book 2 of Mistborn, and I'll say that I liked Way of Kings much more (which is the only Alloy of Law book out yet). It takes a little while to get used to the odd plant/animal life, and jumping to different characters all over the world...