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  1. Megana Vallentin

    Soundtrack for the Last Battle

    *adds a billion new songs on Spotify thanks to this thread* :giggle
  2. Megana Vallentin

    Soundtrack for the Last Battle

    Oooh good one! There was some great music in those movies.
  3. Megana Vallentin

    Soundtrack for the Last Battle

    The "Gladiator" soundtrack would also probably be good...some very nice 'epic battle' music there.
  4. Megana Vallentin

    Soundtrack for the Last Battle

    Oooh love the poems, Ty! Def. fitting for those scenes. That's true...I admit I did read in silence the first time, it was when I was re-reading some sections later that I suddenly wanted to have certain music to go along with the scene. But sometimes it just hits you! Like the line I...
  5. Megana Vallentin

    Soundtrack for the Last Battle

    Jeremy Soule's music is just awesome like that. I didn't know he did the Skyrim soundtrack...because I am sooo not a gamer and didn't realize it was part of the Elder Scrolls series until googling just now. I loved the Oblivion music. Must listen now!
  6. Megana Vallentin

    Soundtrack for the Last Battle

    Does anyone else do this? I like to listen to music while I read. The best scenes are the ones that I can envision as if they were playing out before me, like a movie rather than just words on paper. At some point Demandred says "This is the end" and immediately Skyfall popped into my head...