Search results

  1. Maibella ni Rhoiden t'al'Varrak

    Excited to be here!

    I love Carcassonne and Catan, and I've heard great things about Scythe but haven't tried it yet. My current favorite games are Terraforming Mars and Genotype (this one is super new and was funded via Kickstarter). I like both of those a great deal because they play well with others but also have...
  2. Maibella ni Rhoiden t'al'Varrak

    Excited to be here!

    Oh cool! How long have you been doing it? Also, are you a board game person? If so, what's one of your favorite board games?
  3. Maibella ni Rhoiden t'al'Varrak

    Excited to be here!

    :welcome Glad you found us! Please reach out if you have any questions as you get settled in. :D I'd love to know what kind of stuff you stream on Twitch. My husband follows lots of streamers and I like to stay at least semi informed. :P