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  1. L

    Couples (whole book spoiler)

    Yes, I'm fairly certain is was something she found through the red doorways in 'finnland, but I don't have my books with me to check at the moment.
  2. L

    Couples (whole book spoiler)

    Definitely true...but I do think Egwene still has some growing up to do emotionally. It's like she's grown into so many of her responsibilities so quickly that some parts of her still need to catch up.
  3. L

    Couples (whole book spoiler)

    True, but I highly doubt that's going to change. Being in a relationship doesn't suddenly make you weak, as I can profess from my own experiences. I'm just as strong-willed and independent in a relationship or not. Taking book-examples, though, look at Siuane. She may be a bit less harsh now...