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  1. Lei'Le Vumf

    Names and their Meanings

    Yes exactly! I'm so glad someone got it. I was sitting at computer terminal 5 and the 5th is my birthdate ... I just thought of a #5 word that sounds WoT -ish
  2. Lei'Le Vumf

    Names and their Meanings

    I got my name from a combination of things. Lei'Le (pronounced Lay-Lee) sounds similar to my regular name and it has a WoT feel to it. Vumf is simple but complicated...basically, #5 is Alive! :lol
  3. Lei'Le Vumf

    Names and their Meanings

    Khisanth al'Danya Sedai I have to say the Dragonlance series was one of the first big fantasy series I ever read. As soon as I read where u got Khisanth from it clicked. Awesome pick.