Search results

  1. Leala ni al'Dareis t'al'Caleum

    Congratulations Leala Sedai of the Green Ajah!

    Thanks, Mom! :hug2: :giggle Thank you, Raevyn!! Thank you, Syera!! Thank you, Morrie! :hug2: Thank you, Mini-Me!! :hug2: I mean, are you late if you were at the actual ceremony? :laugh: Thank you, sister! :hug2: :green1:
  2. Leala ni al'Dareis t'al'Caleum

    Congratulations Leala Sedai of the Green Ajah!

    Thank you, Lin-chan! :hug2: Thank you, Nyavene! Thank you, Ilvy!! :hug2: Thank you, bro!! :hug2:
  3. Leala ni al'Dareis t'al'Caleum

    Congratulations Leala Sedai of the Green Ajah!

    Thank you, Raevi!! :hug2: Thank you, Luna! Thank you, sister! :hug2: Thank you, sister!! :hug2: :green1: Thank you, Hal! Thanks, Nym!! :hug2: Thank you, Caha! :hug2: Thank you, Elania! Thanks, Dovi! :hug2: Thank you so much, shade of my heart! :kiss02: :green1: :yellow2: Thank you...
  4. Leala ni al'Dareis t'al'Caleum

    Congratulations Leala Sedai of the Green Ajah!

    Thank you, teacup-in-law! :hug2: Thank you, sister! It's so good to be home! :green1: Thank you, Pocket! :love Thank you, sis! I'm so glad you could be there! :hug2: It was a very fitting event to hear your voice for the first time! Thank you, sis! :hug2: :green1: :vc2: Thank you...
  5. Leala ni al'Dareis t'al'Caleum

    Congratulations Leala Sedai of the Green Ajah!

    Thank you so much, everyone. I'm so happy to be home. :grouphug: :green2: :green1: