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  1. Kitan Tataru

    The Post-Fall Ball, "come and find me!" thread

    Yeah, that'll definitely work :)
  2. Kitan Tataru

    The Post-Fall Ball, "come and find me!" thread

    Nick! :hug Tell Todd to get back on the site, and don't accept "my computer doesn't want to load it" as an answer! :p
  3. Kitan Tataru

    The Post-Fall Ball, "come and find me!" thread

    :| Oh yes, they are. :D I found the printed ones first, then Brandon found the Tim Curry audio versions, we listened to them, then gave them to Ivy. :D
  4. Kitan Tataru

    The Post-Fall Ball, "come and find me!" thread

    Patience is a virtue Hold it if you can Seldom in a woman Never in a man! ;) :hug
  5. Kitan Tataru

    The Post-Fall Ball, "come and find me!" thread

    IVY! One of of of us...come on, only a few more posts!