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  1. Kiante Draktis

    What if it's Mierin?

    On topic? What is this you speak of?
  2. Kiante Draktis

    What if it's Mierin?

    Sounds kinda perfect for an outrigger to me. Two solid characters, rogues, out for adventure.
  3. Kiante Draktis

    What if it's Mierin?

    Mmm, interesting point Murgabi.
  4. Kiante Draktis

    What if it's Mierin?

    I try. *Bows*
  5. Kiante Draktis

    What if it's Mierin?

    Okay, firstly I found this while looking for another quote. So, if the Trollocs weren't useful without Myrddraal, it stands to reason that the war of the Shadow didn't start UNTIL they had discoverd Myrddraal. *nods*. This is the other one, pertaining to Lanfear's personality: So, yeah, if...
  6. Kiante Draktis

    What if it's Mierin?

    Any of the Forsaken COULD have come back to the Light. They may have died in the process, but they could have. Some are just more likely than others. Yes, Asmodean severed his mother, and murdered her too I think. I think it more likely that Rand is the one referred to in the bolded part of...
  7. Kiante Draktis

    What if it's Mierin?

    I concur. Moridin has always seemed to be more of a good guy than most Forsaken. Then again, I think Asmodean might've really turned to the Light given time. But I think, especially given his unique connection with Rand, I think Moridin could be redeemed. He may even be part of the key to...
  8. Kiante Draktis

    What if it's Mierin?

    We must remember, though, that Myrdraal were not created. 20 years is plenty of time to successfully create Trollocs. Not necessarily for a Myrdraal to be born. So that seems like a flaw. Not knowing how fast Trollocs mature and breed, it could be possible, but it still throws uncertainty on the...
  9. Kiante Draktis

    What if it's Mierin?

    Mmm, good thought AXIS Gaidin. If some Myrdraal (Shadow spawn) and some shadowsworn Aes Sedai could do it, then certainly the DO himself ought to be able to, especially considering those circumstances. And, that would explain how Mierin survived when Beidomon did not.
  10. Kiante Draktis

    What if it's Mierin?

    I think the War of the Shadow and the War of Power are the same thing. Unfortunately, Morrighans quote seems to discredit one of your points. It says LTT married Illyena shortly after she (which must mean Mierin) turned to the shadow. This would be a perfectly plausible reason as to why it...
  11. Kiante Draktis

    What if it's Mierin?

    A very interesting theory. I don't think think it's feasible. Because I think she swore before the Myrdraal came around. But I COULD be wrong. Interesting theory either way.