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  1. Kassina Tendar

    Memory of Light Re-Readalong -- Prologue - Ch 2

    Chapter 38: -Rand comes to a realization and stops taking responsibility for everything. Also, everyone in Merrilor is now able to fight again with Demandred dead. Tai’shar Malkier! :swordy :horsey Chapter 39: -Mat is, understandably, super creeped out by the nothingness he sees when he thinks...
  2. Kassina Tendar

    Memory of Light Re-Readalong -- Prologue - Ch 2

    Chapter 37: -I love the image of Logain parting the river for Lan to cross. :lol -Elayne thinks her unborn children respond when she Heals. Interesting. -Elayne making the damane Heal her by touching her foot. :rofl “Both seemed to take it as an insult. Elayne had certainly intended it as one.”...
  3. Kassina Tendar

    Memory of Light Re-Readalong -- Prologue - Ch 2

    Chapter 30: -Elyas! :D I love that he gets to have a real role in the Last Battle. The wolves are attacking the evil Aiel before they reach Thakan’dar. -Awww, Arganda misses Gallenne and is wearing his plume. :( -So many very satisfying moments in this book. Like when the Asha’man arrive to save...
  4. Kassina Tendar

    Memory of Light Re-Readalong -- Prologue - Ch 2

    Is the date when we're starting reading or when we're finishing reading the chapters? Is this week the Last Battle chapter or is that next week?
  5. Kassina Tendar

    Memory of Light Re-Readalong -- Prologue - Ch 2

    Chapter 23: -And Gawyn’s using a Bloodknife ring. :desk -Egeanin! :joy -Gawyn casually kills half a dozen Sharans. :lol I realize the Bloodknife rings are useful and save Egwene’s life here… but Gawyn just annoys me. :p -There’s a ‘solid blackness’ in the sky, an eclipse. (I guess they don’t...
  6. Kassina Tendar

    Memory of Light Re-Readalong -- Prologue - Ch 2

    Ohh, interesting, so does Perrin removing it from the ground reduce its strength then?
  7. Kassina Tendar

    Memory of Light Re-Readalong -- Prologue - Ch 2

    I may have to go back and re-read that part, but I was under the impression that the first super tiny gateway he weaves is while the dreamspike is still there (which is why he's only just able to weave a super tiny one after a lot of effort despite his Talent and the fact that they'd been...
  8. Kassina Tendar

    Memory of Light Re-Readalong -- Prologue - Ch 2

    Chapter 16: -The Ogier have a war song that they apparently all know, despite how infrequently they go to war. -The Trollocs are super terrified of the Ogier. -Some Whitecloaks think that Ogier are Darkfriends. :rolleyes Thank you, Galad, for being reasonable. -It’s super important that Rand has...
  9. Kassina Tendar

    Memory of Light Re-Readalong -- Prologue - Ch 2

    Chapter 9: -Bulen. :cry Lan acknowledges that he’s thankful to Bulen for joining his ride and uses a gateway to preserve his body. :( -Agelmar is great here. :lol Calling Lan selfish for his death ride… which, yeah, he is. Glad someone finally said it that Lan will listen to. :p -To Egwene...
  10. Kassina Tendar

    Memory of Light Re-Readalong -- Prologue - Ch 2

    Chapter 3: -I really like seeing Androl and Pevara figure out how their new ‘Bond’ works. -I want to see Rand inviting Tam to ‘dine’ with him. :rofl -Aviendha: “Enough talk. You will bed me now. :| “ :rofl -Aviendha intends to not let Rand get any sleep. :blink Umm, I realize she’s going to be...
  11. Kassina Tendar

    Memory of Light Re-Readalong -- Prologue - Ch 2

    Prologue: -Talmanes is understandably worried about losing the dragons to the Shadow. :blink Yes, that would be bad. -People in the Town drink ‘fire’, supposedly a corruption of some drink from the Waste. Is it a corrupted version of kaf? -Nynaeve is understandably pissed at Egeanin for letting...
  12. Kassina Tendar

    Memory of Light Re-Readalong -- Prologue - Ch 2

    I'm up-to-date with reading, but behind on typing up my notes, as usual. :look