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  1. Jorell al'Racha

    In which a whole heap of us re-read Wheel of Time

    I started late and am still in book one. I haven't had a lot of time to read lately. Or listen to audiobooks. So I'm in the same boat as @Fenya al'Caem
  2. Jorell al'Racha

    In which a whole heap of us re-read Wheel of Time

    John Glenn is much more reasonable.
  3. Jorell al'Racha

    In which a whole heap of us re-read Wheel of Time

    We must find the nuggets and place them in our dragon's hoard, er, I mean the Library.
  4. Jorell al'Racha

    In which a whole heap of us re-read Wheel of Time

    Chapter 4: The Gleeman This is my fourth time through this book and this didn't click before. Is "Lenn" Neil Armstrong? Is "Salya" Sally Ride? But clearly the Eagle is the name of the Apollo lunar module that Armstrong and Aldrin used to land on the moon. Robert Jordan is too clever for me!
  5. Jorell al'Racha

    In which a whole heap of us re-read Wheel of Time

    Late to the game, but I just started the Rosamund Pike audiobook. She is SO GOOD! The Bel Tine antics are about to begin.