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  1. Jarl Lewin


    I got puns, they're multiplyin' And I'm losin' all control Coz the cheese that I'm supplyin' D'awww ^^ :hug
  2. Jarl Lewin


  3. Jarl Lewin


    No, I won't let it go to my head. Most of the jokes I tell are tear-able.
  4. Jarl Lewin


    Sometimes :D3
  5. Jarl Lewin


    Or as I once said in total seriousness and not realising what I was saying, you'll jump of that bridge when you come to it. At least we got a good laugh out of it :lol
  6. Jarl Lewin


    That's a handsome cat :)
  7. Jarl Lewin


    Garfunkel is an awesome name. Is he orange, Roh Sedai?
  8. Jarl Lewin


    Yes, they make a mark upon us that can never be removed. I hope your hubby will join us!
  9. Jarl Lewin


    Thank you for saying so! ^^ I love all the cats I've ever had, but I am particularly proud of Mercy; she was a gorgeous, sweet girl and passed just a few months shy of her nineteenth birthday. I wish they could live longer, but in a way they do, because they live forever in my heart. :love
  10. Jarl Lewin


    I like the names! My two are Prince Peter Kiko I (a Siamese) and Jasmine Katerina (a Turkish Van mix).
  11. Jarl Lewin


    All for the love of kitties ^^ It's pretty rare that the weather requires an umbrella here. I keep one in the car just in case, but it's usually more trouble than it's worth.
  12. Jarl Lewin


    It's normally not this chilly in October here--at least going by the past eight years since I've lived here in Texas. It seems like it is usually late November when we get below 50 F. And yes, there is something about rain that gets the imagination going. :)
  13. Jarl Lewin


    California raised, now living in Texas. Haven't had the opportunity to visit Europe yet, and travel is something of a challenge for me. Grey, rainy days appeal to my romantic, sentimental proclivities. :)
  14. Jarl Lewin


    Nice to meet you as well, and a lovely day to ye :) It's especially lovely here today with the cold and rain. Just the way I like it!
  15. Jarl Lewin


    Glad to hear it! :clap As for the number of welcomes, tis an old Gaelic saying :)
  16. Jarl Lewin


    A hundred thousand welcomes! We hope you stick around :welcome