Search results

  1. Jalen te'Kreg

    Annual Summer Fundraiser: June 15 to August 1!

    To clarify, I do still plan to donate. It's an important thing. But I will be doing it anonymously, for more reasons than ever.
  2. Jalen te'Kreg

    Annual Summer Fundraiser: June 15 to August 1!

    Canned responses via email are just as disingenuous as canned nonresponses on the forum. The sheer patronizing and condescension that goes into these attempts to silence people still astounds me. These aren't idle, solitary or spurious complaints. I believe it's clear at this point that...
  3. Jalen te'Kreg

    Annual Summer Fundraiser: June 15 to August 1!

    Just want to let everyone know that I will be selling Friendship Default Swaps in order to allow you to hedge against your friendships at the site failing. Depending on certain parameters, for every $20 you monetize your friendships here with you'll be eligible to receive $11-15 back if said...