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  1. Iria Saronin

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

  2. Iria Saronin

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    How great, thanks for telling this! I don't like bacon too crispy anyway, so this sounds good. :shifty Now I need to find where I can buy it and test it myself.
  3. Iria Saronin

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    Happy birthday, Illyria! Let's party!
  4. Iria Saronin

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    Sofia: vegetarian bacon sounds great, I didn't know that even exists! What is it like? I want to try it, too. I'm not a vegetarian, but we are trying with my boyfriend to cook food with less meat than usually, so that at least couple days a week we'd have fully vegetarian meal. :)
  5. Iria Saronin

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    Oh, Elyss, that cat pillow is something absolutely swute! (mix of sweet and cute) *peeks into Elyss's pocket* Now I'm wondering where does the "handy" part come from, Autumn Sedai. :D So far I've only seen sweet things exchanged. This is probably something like LAFO - Live And Find Out
  6. Iria Saronin

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    So far so good, I agree, but... now I'm a bit scared. :lol *tucks three marsmallows on the end of a stick* Thank you, Theolyn Sedai! :D
  7. Iria Saronin

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    I guess I'm the one to blame in the first place...
  8. Iria Saronin

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    I love dark chocolate, Roheryn Sedai! This was a bad idea, since now I'm searching through all my stashes to find some dark chocolate. :lol
  9. Iria Saronin

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    ^^ ok, ok. I have better things in mind! *opens a box of chocolate* Feel free to taste, they are good!
  10. Iria Saronin

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    Satrim looks like a guy who might be a suitable candidate? :P *picks up a spear* :shifty
  11. Iria Saronin

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    Oooh, apple pie, that is a very lovely place to have a bonfire! I'd love to visit that place. :)
  12. Iria Saronin

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    For this reason, I've been wondering if it would be possible to use toaster for marshmallow roasting. I have not dared to try it yet, though. :lol
  13. Iria Saronin

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    Welcome, Kira! And I didn't know that about Arafel. How beautiful! ^^ (as a side note: much more beautiful than the name which Renna gave to Egwene, Tuli, which in Finnish means 'fire'. Kind of cute, but.. no.)
  14. Iria Saronin

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    I was thinking of smoothie made of mangoes, bananas, avocados and lemons. But maybe it's Pumpkin Juice, after all. *grin*
  15. Iria Saronin

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    Yay, Mychael! Let's have a glass of something good to celebrate this! *hands over a glass of something good to Amina and Mychael* Guess what it is!
  16. Iria Saronin

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    Amina: Oh my, I totally forgot Luna! She wins. ^___^
  17. Iria Saronin

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    *hi-fives back* Well.. that would be me... or you... :D as I don't really like the ones in the book. Do you have anyone specific in mind, who I might have forgotten?
  18. Iria Saronin

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    Yay, Ravenclaws ftw! \o/
  19. Iria Saronin

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

  20. Iria Saronin

    The Bonfire: Come hang out!

    Maybe bonfire is too far from city center for them to bother? ;)