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  1. Ilverin Matriam

    Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

    You should also read the rest, I like very much the other two books, I guess Alloy just warms you up :D
  2. Ilverin Matriam

    Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

    I am finished with the Hero of Ages :joy Somehow, when the book started, I knew who was gonna be the Hero, I just didn't know why. And now that I've read the ending, it sounds so fitting! It was an amazing ending in my opinion ^^ I didn't expect many of the things to happen like they did, but...
  3. Ilverin Matriam

    Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

    I finished The Well couple days ago and it was an awesome ending, I will start the Hero of Ages soon, because I WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT OMGG!!! :lol
  4. Ilverin Matriam

    Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

    Aaaaah just read some spoilers :( Damn ! Anyway, I am almost half way through The Well of Ascension and I have read The Last Empire... maybe a year and a half ago? So I didn't remember much at first, but I am not impressed with it anyway. I hope it's the translation to bulgarian and not really...