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  1. Eleyan Al'Landerin

    Official Update Regarding Riley Robinson

    Except Valo, who - by contract - is totally responsible for any of my actions you don't like.* *not actually true. :beer
  2. Eleyan Al'Landerin

    Official Update Regarding Riley Robinson

    First and always, I cannot express how fully grateful I am to Hammar. His volunteering of his expertise and time, his engaging with the community, and his exceptional and careful counsel is invaluable. I'm particularly thankful for his ability and willingness to answer questions with honesty...
  3. Eleyan Al'Landerin

    Official Update Regarding Riley Robinson

    I understand where you're coming from. I still don't think that debate about what is deserved, particularly when it results in our members judging one another for their thoughts and feelings on the matter, is productive. It is a natural consequence of the subject and it is beneficial to this...
  4. Eleyan Al'Landerin

    Official Update Regarding Riley Robinson

    This event has cause our community to feel things all along the spectrum from sorrow to anger. I don't think I can reasonably ascribe where people fall based on one particular factor. I think it is okay to feel furious. I think it is okay to feel sorrow. I think it is okay to want to move...
  5. Eleyan Al'Landerin

    Official Update Regarding Riley Robinson

    I want to thank all of you for your compassion, patience and civility. This situation makes me sad because it is tragic. This could have been infinitely more destructive than it was. That it was not is only because you did not allow it to be. We had debts to pay, but we didn't default...