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  1. Axis m'Troutilas

    Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

    Just started re-reading Mistborn again, been quite awhile since I've read them, so I'm enjoy it again. Still holds up.
  2. Axis m'Troutilas

    Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

    And any fantasy that is merely "based on medieval times" and can't break new ground for fear of "distorting past ages" is a book that I have zero interest in reading. Fantasy has come a long way since that.
  3. Axis m'Troutilas

    Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

    Well if you find Mistborn too bloody, then maybe you should ASoIaF doesn't pull many punches. Its pretty graphic. Lots of violence, sex and incest and so on. Needlessly so a fair number of occasions I think personally. I like violent scenes as much as the next guy, but some of Martins...
  4. Axis m'Troutilas

    Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

    It was fairly bloody I guess. But in an awesome way. It was bloody for actions sake, not just for violence sake like say ASoIaF. [spoiler:1iycho6j]When Vin carved her way through and entire battalion using just a belt buckle, that was awesome for example.Or when she blew away another lot on...
  5. Axis m'Troutilas

    Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

    You didn't like Mistborn? man that's a first.
  6. Axis m'Troutilas

    Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

    *shrugs* works for me.
  7. Axis m'Troutilas

    Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

    Funny how peoples tastes go. I liked the end.
  8. Axis m'Troutilas

    Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

    I polished off Elantris over the weekend, and it was very interesting. Enjoyed Mistborn more obviously, but it was still very good. I'll have to buy Warbreaker now I guess
  9. Axis m'Troutilas

    Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

    [spoiler:14skhuo1]Although the whole thing with him becoming numb after dropping his flared tin so he could stand walking into the fire. now that was just awesome[/spoiler:14skhuo1]
  10. Axis m'Troutilas

    Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

    All the characters grow on you more as you go along. spoiler gap I think TenSoon is my fav.
  11. Axis m'Troutilas

    Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

    yeah agreed Hero of Ages kicked arse big time. I'm enjoying Elantris so far, still pretty early yet still working out whats going on. Lots of invented words to get your head around
  12. Axis m'Troutilas

    Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

    only had a chance to read the first few pages of Elantris last night, but I've got it with me today and will be reading it during lunch today
  13. Axis m'Troutilas

    Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson

    Well after reading The Gathering Storm, I of course had to check out the rest of Sandersons stuff. And I've just gotton through book 3 of Mistborn And wow was I impressed. Not sure how Sanderson managed to slip by me before, it wasn't easy to get a hold of his books actually. The first one...