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  1. Autumn Sapphira

    New Again

    He needs to find his face. :look
  2. Autumn Sapphira

    New Again

    I kind of felt bad for Rory at the beginning... The Doctor: Your friend, what was his name, not him, the good looking one! Rory: Thanks. Amy: Jeff. Rory: Oh, thanks! Poor Rory. :lol
  3. Autumn Sapphira

    New Again

    You heard me. :|
  4. Autumn Sapphira

    New Again

    I have decide his nickname here shall be Jondo. Let it be done. :|
  5. Autumn Sapphira

    New Again

    Awww he's not stupid. He's grown on me, actually. I like Rory better than The Doctor, sometimes, though. :look
  6. Autumn Sapphira

    New Again

    Emer - I was thinking you probably wouldn't like him because he's a bit silly like Tennant - goofy, energetic, happier, not so much angst as Eccleston. :cheese Who knows, though! Sometimes I think Smith is a decent blend of both. :) Maybe you'll think so, too!
  7. Autumn Sapphira

    New Again

    You don't like David Tennant? :( He's my favorite! Oh dear. You're *really* not going to like Matt Smith. :look
  8. Autumn Sapphira

    New Again

    I'm pretty sure he'd have NO idea what you're talking about... :look Yep! :D
  9. Autumn Sapphira

    New Again

    Anika - Weeelllll He's not really "Yellow", technically.... :look
  10. Autumn Sapphira

    New Again

    :lol Thanks, Agea!
  11. Autumn Sapphira

    New Again

    Tsk You left your last name without a capital first letter. As a grammar nazi, this makes me sad. :( I'm glad you're back. Now. STAY. :|