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  1. Atane Valthon

    And yet another reintroduction

    Thanks Miridyth!! :D
  2. Atane Valthon

    And yet another reintroduction

    Hey Viv Sedai!! And thanks!! :D:bow
  3. Atane Valthon

    And yet another reintroduction

    :D:D Things are going pretty okay for this crazy world we’re living in. Mental illness, years and years older, but still trying to float along. :D Hey Leil Sedai! :tackle
  4. Atane Valthon

    And yet another reintroduction

    Hi Ninya Sedai. It's good to see you.:D
  5. Atane Valthon

    And yet another reintroduction

    Thanks Morwynna Sedai! :D And thank you, Ilissa Sedai! :D
  6. Atane Valthon

    And yet another reintroduction

    Thank you, Nandi Sedai!
  7. Atane Valthon

    And yet another reintroduction

    Thanks, Lenore Sedai, it’s good to be here! :) Hey Avendaella Sedai! And yep, she reminded me this past week. Good to see you.:D
  8. Atane Valthon

    And yet another reintroduction

    Hey Melisande Sedai! Lovely to see you too! :D:hug
  9. Atane Valthon

    And yet another reintroduction

    Thank you, Elia Sedai! :D Toral Gaidin, nice to see you again. And thank you. And thank you, Idine Sedai! :D
  10. Atane Valthon

    And yet another reintroduction

    Thanks, Aintza Sedai!
  11. Atane Valthon

    And yet another reintroduction

    Only slightly more dinged up than before :lol Hi Zashara Sedai!! Thank you Arella!
  12. Atane Valthon

    And yet another reintroduction

    Thanks Alora Gaidin, but I think I'll just experience the process organically again. :D Thank you, Alenya Sedai!
  13. Atane Valthon

    And yet another reintroduction

    Ilverin Sedai, I was a DM Warder to Jenarra, yep! Thanks Faeril Sedai! And thanks Roheryn Sedai!
  14. Atane Valthon

    And yet another reintroduction

    Thanks Ilverin Sedai! Oh, pretty decently. The years go on, you know. And thanks Aleita Sedai!
  15. Atane Valthon

    And yet another reintroduction

    So, it's been awhile, a long, long while. I'm Atane, I was introduced to WoT in 2000 or 2001, in high school. I joined the site originally in sometime like 2004. I'm back because, well, the community was a huge part of my life and I've thought about some of the people from time to time, thanks...