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  1. Asandra al'Terra

    Couples (whole book spoiler)

    I'm not talking about relationships. I'm talking about M in particular. S is super stong -- but she also knows she has to make GB wait until her current task is finished before she can marry him and have dozens of his babies :p I don't get that impression from M at all -- Thom says "cool but I...
  2. Asandra al'Terra

    Couples (whole book spoiler)

    Honestly... I'm still seething at the Moiraine/Thom pairing. :p I just read the entire series in 2 months (my first time reading 13 though) and I just didn't see it coming *enough*. Nyn/LAN was slap-in-the-face obvious to me compared to this :p Reading this thread, it's nice to realize there...