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  1. Arinna Katal

    little things

    This is my number one fear about the show! I know the books aren't, like, fancy literature or anything, but they really do have gravitas. Fantasy concepts translated to screen often do NOT, however. Hopefully the showrunners, who love this source material and also know a whole heck of a lot more...
  2. Arinna Katal

    little things

    Just glue the braid into Nynaeve's hands NOW! Give the people what they want!! I have also thought about this and shared your concerns! I don't really know how it's going to be possible without words--even in the books, it's lots and lots of words. Like, will they flash some images and Perrin...
  3. Arinna Katal

    little things

    Oh man, all of these are great. Both of the Rand/Lan moments mentioned would be A+ additions, and Nadie, I ALSO really hope they do a lot with the fashions! But @Cahalan Sothron Sedai's suggestion takes the (purple) cake: if every third word out of Siuan's mouth isn't fish-related, they will...
  4. Arinna Katal

    little things

    Southern Russian Parseltongue is notoriously difficult to learn, and there are nuances that simply cannot be translated into any other language :rofl
  5. Arinna Katal

    little things

    loooooooooool And Alora Gaidin, I’d take them having Russian accents in the show! Anything clearly distinct from the accents of the other characters would make me happy, but a thick Southern drawl would make me happiest. :rofl
  6. Arinna Katal

    little things RJ didn’t say exactly that they sound just like Texans, but it was strongly implied that they sound like they’re from the Southern US. Which is hilarious.
  7. Arinna Katal

    little things

    As we know, WoT is an extremely large and sprawling book series with lots of big things that we really hope the showrunners get right. But the books are also full of tiny details that, while not necessary to the overarching plot, add TONS of color and life to the story. So I was wondering--what...