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  1. Ariadne Davion

    Not sure if I'm back but definitely visiting

    You can always join my Writing Sprints! :D (I run them on occasion on my Patreon's Discord Channel.) My art is.. a constant fight with my inner demons, I feel. Only because you Asked.. LOL I have some on my website - Some of it is for sale on my Etsy - (You...
  2. Ariadne Davion

    Not sure if I'm back but definitely visiting

    When I get around to both I definitely will! I've directed a lot of focus to Art and Original Writing *gasp* the past few months, but reading is healthy. ;) So is K-Drama...... *coughs* *gives a light thwack with her yellow pen* If I don't get proper hugs...... *schnuggles* You know where to...
  3. Ariadne Davion

    Not sure if I'm back but definitely visiting

    Oh god, she's 11 now! Yeesh! Time flies! Just picked up Last Wish myself. <3 *smooches* As always, loves!