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  1. Almira ni'Caldazare

    Burn It! Randland Cursing and Mat (Favorite Moments?) - Spoilers Possible

    Birgette has some colorful curses too! I like her saying about the hangman best though :)
  2. Almira ni'Caldazare

    Burn It! Randland Cursing and Mat (Favorite Moments?) - Spoilers Possible

    I like how fascinated Elayne is with Mat's cursing! She studies curse words and Mat using some of the most colorful.
  3. Almira ni'Caldazare

    Burn It! Randland Cursing and Mat (Favorite Moments?) - Spoilers Possible

    My favorite Mat moment is more of a friendship scene than a joking one. I love how he brings a badger in a bag with him when he goes to visit Perrin. They meet at an inn after and just talk. They start their conversation where they left off like nothing happened between the leaving the Two...