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  1. Alexr al'Petros

    Long time reader....newly arrival.

    Truth....which many still don't understand. I primarily train (and teach) Aikido. I also do Iaido (sword drawing), Japanese Weapons (bokken and jyo), and MCMAP (which is a military service derived program). It keeps me grounded. I train at my own dojo (and oversee about 6-10 other dojos -...
  2. Alexr al'Petros

    Long time reader....newly arrival.

    Everyone has been incredibly friendly and welcoming...I'll try to keep up the same. Alora Gaiden, I would trade some of the interesting parts away; but I suppose we all have bits like that (if we are lucky, we can box them up or they only arise late at night). My favorite part of my life's...
  3. Alexr al'Petros

    Long time reader....newly arrival.

    Thank you again everyone for the warm welcome. The Forums have been amazing, especially as I am reading through some of the old classes threads. It's like appreciating the beauty of a post-storm sunset...and then studying meteorology. @Aleita Taviah, Sedai, I'm settling in well. Slow to...
  4. Alexr al'Petros

    Long time reader....newly arrival.

    Thank you all for the kind welcome. Working my way through the old threads learning...fortunately no Machin Shin encountered there yet... So many throughout...for me each character has there own...e.g. Verin's reveal, Matt's meetings with Gen. Karade, Ituralde at the Battle of Mardon....of...
  5. Alexr al'Petros

    Long time reader....newly arrival.

    Hello everyone. Doing the introduction dive. I tend to watch, read, listen these forums...not good at starting. I even declined to start the WOT series numerous times as it was an incomplete series when I first encountered them. But...while deployed to a sandy far off land (through...