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    Effect of Bowl of Winds: Ebou Dar and Shayol Gul

    Thank you so much :bow . That is so good that I'm asking your permission, Mother, to use it as my signature.
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    Effect of Bowl of Winds: Ebou Dar and Shayol Gul

    Whew; no chair of remorse (hopefully) :look . I will do my best not to doubt Mother in the future; May the Light illuminate you :bow
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    Effect of Bowl of Winds: Ebou Dar and Shayol Gul

    It is probably due to the effect radius, Almira. Mother posted it; but I didn't listen :) Hopefully I won't get a taste of the chair of remorse :lol
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    Effect of Bowl of Winds: Ebou Dar and Shayol Gul

    Thank you, Mother :) I should have read your informed reply more carefully; but I have a tendency to the contrary. Thank you Tobias :) The reason for the flux in the power was for using the ter'angreal to cover an area beyond its intended scope.
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    Effect of Bowl of Winds: Ebou Dar and Shayol Gul

    :lol Who might they be? And where are they? It would be so much easier if an expert/informed opinion pops in and answers the question thoroughly ;)
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    Effect of Bowl of Winds: Ebou Dar and Shayol Gul

    Compared to the Ways hypothesis, we have stronger evidence that the taint doesn't corrupt the weaves: Nynaeve's discovery of how the taint works, saidin healing weaves, the Eye.
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    Effect of Bowl of Winds: Ebou Dar and Shayol Gul

    Thanks for the different and interesting angle, Ninya Sedai :) We have no evidence that the taint on saidin affects the actual weaves. Nynaeve's delving of Asha'man minds told us how the taint works. It coats the channelers brain with tainted threads that penetrate into the brain, causing...
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    Effect of Bowl of Winds: Ebou Dar and Shayol Gul

    I guess it comes does to what triggers the negative effects of the Bowl on channeling. Is it the usage of the Bowl itself? Or the effect of the Bowl on Saidar and Saidin around where it was used? Or the negative weather (DO's e.g.) resistance to the Bowl? My opinion is that it is the effect of...
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    Effect of Bowl of Winds: Ebou Dar and Shayol Gul

    Thank you for the reply, Zanus :) The effects were felt immediately after the use of the Bowl; starting with Elayne's difficulty in forming the escape Gateway. Thank you for your response, Mother :) You point out a very important factor to take into account. But that can be used to argue both...
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    Effect of Bowl of Winds: Ebou Dar and Shayol Gul

    After the Bowl of Winds was used in the Farm outside Ebou Dar, channeling in a radius from that spot was screwed for a long time. Saidar and Saidin were hard to control as proven by the details of Rand's Seanchan campaign in Altara and Elayne's gateway to escape the Farm. It was channeling on a...