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  1. A

    Re-Readalong: Path of Daggers To the End!

    I'm not sure that the oath rod is a contraceptive either, Mother. Nynaeve and Lan will probably have many children; and she's already bound by the oath rod. As to the Blackberry bush, I'll try to find some solid evidence; but I'm as sure as I can be without it. And in the resolution of the Black...
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    Re-Readalong: Path of Daggers To the End!

    You're right; there is no rule in the White Tower against sisters having children. It was just rare. Nothing like Far Dareis Mai who have children and don't want to give up the spear. In a related topic, I think there was a discussion somewhere on the Oath Rod as a contraceptive. Probably on...
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    Re-Readalong: Path of Daggers To the End!

    The Blackberry bush is the Two Rivers. Taim went there personally and recruited men and boys who could channel. And he found a surprising number of them; evidence in AMoL.
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    Re-Readalong: Path of Daggers To the End!

    Martine = Setalle was confirmed as strongly as possible before the companion. As to involuntary rings, they are a torture method by the Black Ajah, used against women who could channel. It is referenced in the books by Alviarin (if I remember correctly); remembering how she tortured some Aes...
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    Re-Readalong: Path of Daggers To the End!

    PoD does have an abruptness to its ending. I've always thought that books 8 and 9 should have been a single book, with shifting the use of the Bowl of Winds to book 7 for a double dose of epic stops.
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    Re-Readalong: Path of Daggers To the End!

    Servant or gollam, in my opinion. Moridin was standing behind an arabesque window when he received a report. So he wasn't on a rooftop.
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    Re-Readalong: Path of Daggers To the End!

    Taim harvested channelers from the Two Rivers, a couple dozen if I remember correctly. They ended up playing an important role later on. As to the rod ter'angreal, nothing "canon;" but my hunch is that Elayne walked around the inn in her shift or even minus the shift. She felt "heat" before...
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    Re-Readalong: Path of Daggers To the End!

    Same here; Mat's chapters are more fun to read for me. I guess you could say that Perrin moved from terrible in the Malden arch to average afterwards. But he does have some awesome moments in AMoL.
  9. A

    Re-Readalong: Path of Daggers To the End!

    Yeah, the left/right hand strays (Perrin) and the right/left hand stays (Mat). Perrin's arch takes a turn for the better, eventually :) , book 13 if I remember correctly.
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    Re-Readalong: Path of Daggers To the End!

    The main bummer for me with TPoD is that there is no Mat in the book. The Seanchan and Tylin tied him down :lol in Ebou Dar.
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    Re-Readalong: Path of Daggers To the End!

    True, she had a very good reason for her unweaving. That was never in doubt :D
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    Re-Readalong: Path of Daggers To the End!

    It wasn't about the logic of keeping Traveling from the Seanchan (not a certainty since it wasn't guaranteed a damane could read residues; and futile since they ended up getting Traveling anyway). It was about Elayne totally ignorant about unweaving; listening to AS and Aviendha say on how...
  13. A

    Re-Readalong: Path of Daggers To the End!

    I guess it comes with the entitlement of royal upbringing and expectation that the world will conform to her will :)
  14. A

    Re-Readalong: Path of Daggers To the End!

    Wow, thanks for the summary! - Halima kills Anaiya because she's one of Cabriana Mercedes (sp) friends; with potential to uncover Halima's cover in Salidar. - Ajah Heads sent some sitters to Salidar and ordered them to get young puppets elected as sitters there. And they appointed young...