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  1. A

    Burn It! Randland Cursing and Mat (Favorite Moments?) - Spoilers Possible

    She's fascinated with any cursing; Mat, Uno, Birgette, stablehands, barmaids, shoulderthumpers, soldiers, etc.... But Birgette had an awesome quote on that, "At least I know where to use each (curse) word" Or something like that :)
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    Burn It! Randland Cursing and Mat (Favorite Moments?) - Spoilers Possible

    Vintage Mat is in LoC and ACoS, 2 really good ones: - Mat's meeting with the supergirls in Salidar. - Nyn and Elayne's visit to Mat to apologize: "You sound like you have a file down your throat my lady. You have my permission to call me Mat." :rofl